Here’s a fun shopping quiz (actual fun may vary) concocted by Deb Morris, the “Fru-Gal.” Your scores supposedly will reveal your shopping personality, and may actually help you change shopping behaviors and save more money!
Here are the questions…
- Do you enjoy shopping?
- Do you make a list before you shop?
- Do you stick to your list when you shop?
- Do you always buy the same brands?
- Where do you shop the most often?
- When do you shop the most often?
- Do you use your store’s discount card?
- Do you use grocery coupons?
- Do you print coupons?
- Do you use electronic coupons?
- Do you belong to Checkout51, Vocalpoint, Ibotta or Saving Star?
- Have you ever purchased grocery items free with coupons?
- Do you ever shop at the drugstore?
- Do you take your grocery coupons with you on vacation?
Each question gives you three alternative answers, with each being worth a certain point value. Add your points to find out if you are a “Busy Shopper,” (the lowest category) meaning you are too busy to cut coupons or comparison shop; an “Amateur Shopper,” meaning you realize the value of coupons and flyers but you just aren’t good at it; or an “Expert Shopper,” which means you are an expert at (wait for it…) shopping. I scored a 10, which means I am a “Dude.” Oh well.
So, take the test! How did you do? Let us know over at the MindField Online Facebook page!