And now, a little Friday fun – or frustration (your mileage may vary.) Consumer Reports has published a fun graphic noting “America’s most common restaurant complaints.” I believe it can be a matter of perspective. I admit that I sometimes go into a place looking for trouble and, if you’re looking for it, you find it. Other times, dissatisfaction is thrust upon you. Once at the Tattooed Moose in Charleston SC, about seven of the things on the following list happened even before our order was taken (so, like, we left!)
Anyway, what are our top beefs? Take a look…
- 76% Dirty utensils. That piece of spinach baked on the fork isn’t harmful in any way, but still…
- 73% Dirty restrooms. I’m going to guess that the Men’s room is worse…
- 72% Impolite or condescending servers. Yeah, see illustration above, from the aforementioned Tattooed Moose
- 67% Sloppy or dirty-looking wait staff. Same…
- 66% Hot food cold, cold drinks warm
- 62% “That’s not what I ordered.”
- 61% Feeling rushed to leave by the server. You know, the girl who you never saw throughout the meal, but now won’t leave your side as you write out the tip?
- 51% Slow service. Cousin of No Service. Or, watching the staff fawning over “regulars” while you die of thirst waiting for a drink refill. Or, my favorite, waiting forever for the check (I call it the Hostage Situation.)
What’s missing from this list? HIPSTERS! Either ones dining next to me, ones affecting the menu (Pabst Blue Ribbon, anyone?), or ones waiting on me (um, see illustration again.)
It’s a fun list, and there’s lots more at the original piece, so check it out! How about you? What are your top complaints when dining out? Let us know over at the MindField Online Facebook page, and have a great weekend!