As a writer FOR the web, I spend a lot of time ON the web. For me, April 1st is the most irritating day of the year, and it sneaks up on me every time!! I’m reading something (supposedly) serious like Newsweek.com and I see, “The President then said farewell, boarded the mothership and returned to his home planet.” And I’m like “Grrr! April Fools!” I might as well go play in the street for the rest of the day.
So I guess I can appreciate when businesses try to have a little fun with the concept. I mean, I might as well. They’re not going to stop just for me, and playing in the street is dangerous. So, here are some noble April Fools’ Day efforts from companies trying to get in on the fun and irritation.
- ABC News: Best April Fools’ Day Jokes by Businesses
- Business Spectator: Seven of the best corporate April Fools pranks
- New York Times: Beware the April Fools’ Jokes Coming From Madison Avenue
- Boston Globe: April Fools’ Day pranks made by companies
- UK Daily Mail: The best of the internet’s April Fools’ Day jokes
See any that didn’t totally irritate you to death? Let us know over at the MindField Online Facebook page!