Homer Simpson once said, “People can come up with statistics to prove anything, and 14% of people know that.” So, with a grain of salt, let’s look at little statistical snapshot of consumer sentiment.
The question is, which industries do Americans trust these days? You might be surprised that the answer isn’t “none of them.” According to a new survey, the types of companies we trust from LEAST to MOST trusted are:
- Health Insurance
- Pharmaceuticals
- Banks
- Energy
- Food and Beverage
- Large Retailers
- Manufacturers
- Technology Companies
Other statistical nuggets include the following:
- 72% think the economy is in the crapper, and 31% think it will get worse.
- 76% say that top execs earn too much money.
- 84% don’t like it when companies move jobs overseas to take advantage of lower wages. 74% feel the same way even if it lowers prices of the things we buy.
- 90% of us think favorably of small businesses.
- 62% would rather do business with a small local company even if it charged somewhat higher prices.
Does this sound right to you? Let us know!
Because the larger companies are so impersonal, and with the economy the
way it is today, I think we should all help the smaller businesses.