The MindField Nickel Tour, Revisited

The internet is a living, breathing, sweating beast…and things change. We did a tour of the MindField Online website last year, and we now present an update. Enjoy!

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Over at the MindField Online Facebook page, we commonly hear, “I’m new—how does this whole thing work?”  That’s a pretty broad question, so we usually answer, “There’s plenty of info to be found at our website, -check it out!”

But exactly what you will find has been a mystery, wrapped in a riddle, wrapped in an internet – until now!  So, keep your hands and feet inside the tram as we take an informative, exciting (but mostly informative) tour of the MindField Online Internet Panels website!

Member Home

A really useful portal that gives you a quick look at announcements, surveys available (“Live Now!”), membership details, payout options, referrals, member profile survey status, payout balance progress… and more!

Account Settings

Here is where you can update or change your user preferences, email or street address and your password.


This is a detailed list of your survey activity, with a link to your payout activity, as well.


How do you register? Who is eligible? What are the rules? Here is where you find out!


Check out the answers to some frequently asked questions HERE. Then, take a moment to realize “So THAT’S what FAQ stands for!”


Other than farm fresh ingredients, what steps does MindField Online Internet Panels take to ensure the quality of our data? Find out HERE.


Because corporate histories are so darn exciting, click HERE to learn more about MindField Online and parent company McMillion Research.


Much of the news you will have seen on our Facebook page, but you will get more detail here.


MindField Online has regular cash drawings and sweepstakes. Here is where you can see the winners.

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And that brings us back to the lobby. We hope you have enjoyed your tour of the MindField Online Internet Panels website! Thanks for your attention. Please exit through the giftshop…

2 thoughts on “The MindField Nickel Tour, Revisited”

  1. i can always count on you timmie. i actually thought it was going to be a simple cut and paste from the last time, but a lot has changed on the site since Feb 2011!

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