Once again, the Black Friday blog post – the Least-read Post of the Year®! Take a break from the craziness and check out some useful (or not) Black Friday links!
- A handy collection of Black Friday news and pics
- A Collection of Black Friday deals
- Best Black Friday Tech Deals
- Black Friday ripoffs (?): An article that shows that many of those “once in a lifetime deals” are repeats from last year. In some cases, the price has gone up. IS that a ripoff? You decide.
- Is Black Friday dying? : “Black Friday’s death has been greatly exaggerated before. This year, not so much.”
- An infographic of dumb Black Friday facts, including
– It’s the busiest day of the year for plumbers fixing retail store toilets
– 12% of shoppers are drunk
Which leads to…
Anyway, after you’ve done your combat shopping, please head over to theMindField Online Facebook page and give us a report of what you’ve seen. Big crowds? Craziness? Better or worse than you expected? Let us know…and have a great weekend!