First of all, I don’t hate the practice of regifting as much as the idea that they had to make up a word for it. (English major rant!) But it looks like regifting is here to stay.
You get a gift, and it’s not to your liking because the giver is clueless or you’re a stupid selfish baby (see previous post.) What do you do? If you don’t want to stand in line at the WalMart service desk (because you have a life) you just might hold on to that bamboo steamer or necktie organizer and pass it along to the next victim a loved one next year.
And, the survey says you aren’t alone.
Regifting, once a social taboo, is gradually gaining in acceptance. According to a nationwide consumer-spending survey by American Express, 58% of people believe it is OK sometimes to regift an item. That figure rises for the holiday season, when 79% of respondents said they believe regifting is socially acceptable. The survey, which polled about 2,000 people last year, found that nearly one-quarter of consumers said they regifted at least one item the previous holiday season. Wall Street Journal
Sorry, Wall Street Journal – 79% favorable is not “gradually gaining acceptance.” Regifting, once relegated to the slums of “white elephant” gift exchanges, has gone legit. Which totally takes the fun out of my all-time, always-a-hit white elephant gift: Butt Paste!!

That’s comedy gold right there. Anyway, what do you think about regifting? Let us know, and have a great weekend!
it really depends on the gift. if it is a horrible dirty Santa type gift it WON’T be regifted….well….maybe if there is someone more deserving of the gift….hehe. sometimes you receive really nice things that you personally won’t use but know someone that will delight in this gift, that is ok….just be sure to remove the tag…and LOOK INSIDE THE BOX to make sure what is on the box is actually inside!!!
so true… merry christmas timmie!