Cutting Back on Halloween?

haunted houseApparently the Halloween business is TOO good these days. More people than ever are celebrating, but they have spent so much money in recent years that they are now cutting back.

Here’s the money quote from

“Halloween has been on the upswing in terms of the number of people celebrating and what they’re spending, so we’ve reached a point where people have been stocking up for several years now,” she said. “The average person is content with the amount of merchandise they already have.”

So, in 2015, we will spend almost $7 billion, down about a half-billion from last year.  That is, we are fine with recycling our costumes and decorations from last year. Heck, I still have last year’s CANDY in the freezer! (Though, back in July I may have swiped a Snicker’s or two!)

They say that each household will spend about $74, down from $77 last year. How about you? Are you cutting back from last year, staying the same or boosting your spending? Me, I don’t care – I love Halloween. There is nothing like opening the door and seeing a little 2-year-old Batman or Princess Elsa.  I am going to spend whatever amount I want!!